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 Mission Statement

We are committed and determined to redefine the cause of excellence in Education and implement it through accelerated need based practical oriented process with holistic approach; to empower the learner for self-exploration, so as to become a responsible global citizen with deep rooted ethos of Indian culture and tradition. Studying at the College means constant support from a team of committed and available teachers who want you to succeed. Seeing as though each student has a different personality and different needs, you will be given personalized support to allow you to acquire the skills of your study program. Whether it is for additional support to ensure your success, for assistance to help you specify and reach your goals or to develop the tools and independence needed to reach these goals, we will always be there for you


Greetings and a very warm welcome to RAM RAJ!

Stellar accomplishments expand the frontiers of knowledge and scholarship every day. In this era of Globalization of education, the obvious focus is on the quality of education. There is no single yardstick of quality. A good educational institution strives continuously for sustenance and enhancement of quality in every field of its activity.

As RAMKRISHNA FOUNDATION works diligently to realize its mission of providing the best learning, teaching and research opportunities to students and academicians alike, it continues to supply students with the basics of modern knowledge and high values.

Our students learn the joy as well as the rigours of new discovery, and acquire skills of inquiry, evaluation, and communication that provide a foundation for the next phases of their careers and lives.

Amongst students’ creativity, collective work and competition domestically, regionally and internationally thrive. RAMKRISHNA FOUNDATION stands committed to the practice of academic freedom and encourages cultural diversity as it continues to attract students and faculty.

Harshada Ghayal


We are proud to welcome you in an establishment that stands out through its educational project allowing for the promotion of academic excellence among our students, while giving them the opportunity to broaden their horizons.


Our priority is to ensure that every member of our community can reach his or her full potential and achieve his or her academic and professional goals in a friendly environment. At RAM RAJ, we want to PROMOTE PEOPLE AND KNOWLEDGE.


Nitin Patil

We are making a profound headway in pursuit of excellence in education and our students are shaping into accomplished adults who are embedded with international perspective. We foresee a colossal shift in the social and professional scenario that our students will face when they grow up, hence, we strive to focus upon equipping them with 21st century skills and making them ready to compete successfully in their future challenges. Our ever-progressive approach of education is in force for empowered, self-motivated and agile achievers who contribute holistically within and beyond the school. We aim to become a community of lifelong learners, striving for excellence, and inspired by achievement and success.


Mohsin Khatik

We are thrilled to share our commitment to providing top-tier education in the sciences. Our goal is to nurture curious minds and develop the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators. With a focus on hands-on learning and real-world applications, we strive to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their future endeavors.

Our dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and dynamic curriculum ensure that each student receives a comprehensive and engaging education. We emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, preparing our students to meet the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and competence.

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and achievement. Together, we can unlock your potential and pave the way for a brighter future in science and technology.

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